Twilight Conversions / Virtual Twilights / Day to Dusk Conversions

In real estate photography, "virtual twilights" refer to digitally enhanced images that simulate the atmospheric and aesthetic qualities of a twilight or dusk scene. Twilight photography is a popular technique in real estate marketing as it can create a visually striking and appealing look for a property.

Virtual twilights are not captured during the actual twilight hours but are instead created through post-processing techniques. Skilled photographers or graphic designers use photo editing software to add lighting effects, adjust colors, and enhance the overall ambiance of the image to mimic the warm, soft lighting characteristic of twilight.

The benefits of virtual twilight photography in real estate include:

  1. Enhanced Aesthetics: Virtual twilights can make a property's exterior look more inviting and aesthetically pleasing, capturing the attention of potential buyers.

  2. Highlighting Features: The subdued lighting of twilight can help accentuate architectural features, landscaping, and other elements of the property.

  3. Emotional Appeal: The warm, atmospheric glow associated with twilight scenes often evokes a sense of calmness and coziness, potentially resonating emotionally with viewers.

  4. Differentiation: Virtual twilights can set a property apart from others in listings by offering a unique and visually appealing perspective.

While virtual twilights can be a valuable marketing tool, it's essential for real estate professionals to ensure that the representation of the property remains accurate and transparent. Overly manipulated images that misrepresent the actual condition of a property may lead to disappointment for potential buyers. As with any type of real estate photography, maintaining a balance between enhancing visual appeal and accurately portraying the property is crucial.

Twilight photos, even virtual ones, get more attention.

Twilight photos are beneficial in real estate marketing as they infuse a property with a warm and inviting atmosphere, showcasing it in a visually striking light.

The soft, ambient glow during twilight enhances curb appeal, highlights architectural features, and sets listings apart, appealing to potential buyers' emotions and making a lasting impression.


Listings with a twilight photo as the main image receive 76% more views than listings without a twilight image.


Studies show that twilight photos stop 92% of web viewers for longer than 60 seconds even if its not what they are looking for.

Transform Your Listing Photos With Day to Dusk Conversions

An exterior listing photo from Annapolis, Maryland that got a twilight conversion
Waterfront real estate listing photo from Milvale in Annapolis.

Twilight Conversions Will Elevate Your Listings

A day to dusk exterior listing photo, also known as a virtual twilight photo, from an Odenton, MD real estate listing.
Exterior real estate listing photo from Odenton, Maryland.

Virtual Twilight Images Make Listings Stand Out

Exterior real estate listing photo before a virtual twilight edit is applied.
virtual twilight image from a maryland real estate drone photo shoot

The Process of Creating a Virtual Twilight Photo

1 - Selection of Daytime Photo

A standard photograph of the property's exterior taken during daylight serves as the starting point. This image provides the base for the virtual twilight edit. This is an important process as you’ll want to highlight features that will show well during twilight and you’ll want to include the sky to make the most of the edit. You can choose the photo you’d like the virtual twilight of, or we can collaborate and figure out what would work best.

4 - Color Grading

The color tones of the entire image are manipulated to achieve the warm and inviting hues characteristic of twilight. This can involve tweaking the saturation, contrast, and balance of different color channels.

2 - Sky Replacement

The sky in the original photo is replaced with a digitally enhanced twilight sky. This new sky introduces warm colors and soft lighting associated with twilight scenes.

5 - Fine-Tuning Elements

Additional enhancements may be made to emphasize specific features of the property, such as landscaping, architectural details, or outdoor lighting. This helps create a visually appealing and balanced composition.

3 - Lighting Adjustments

Various adjustments are made to the overall lighting of the image to simulate the specific qualities of twilight. This may include enhancing shadows, adjusting color temperatures, and adding subtle lighting effects to windows and other surfaces.

6 - Review & Adjustments

The final virtual twilight image is carefully reviewed to ensure that it realistically represents the property while achieving the desired twilight ambiance. Adjustments are made as needed to maintain a balance between visual appeal and accurate representation.

An Annapolis, Maryland waterfront real estate listing photo


An Annapolis, Maryland waterfront real estate listing photo after a virtual twilight conversion


A Maryland real estate listing photo showing a homes front


A Maryland real estate listing photo showing a homes front after a day to dusk conversion edit


A stunning Annapolis, MD listing photo showing a home from the front


A stunning Annapolis, MD listing photo showing a home from the front after a day to dusk twilight conversion edit


Easily schedule a photo shoot, receive the images & pay in one location

Convenience is key. Simply enter your listing’s address, select the services, choose a time, and you’re booked! This all in one platform will handle your real estate photo shoot from scheduling to invoicing.

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  • A twilight photo conversion, also called a day to dusk edit, or a virtual twilight edit, in real estate photography involves editing a daytime photo to simulate the atmospheric and aesthetic qualities of a twilight scene. This process typically includes post-processing techniques to transform the daylight image into one that appears to have been taken during the twilight hours.

  • Virtual twilight real estate photo editing offers several benefits for showcasing a property and enhancing its visual appeal in marketing materials:

    Extended Shooting Hours: Virtual twilight editing allows real estate photographers to capture the essence of twilight without being restricted to the limited timeframe around sunrise or sunset. This flexibility is especially advantageous when scheduling photo shoots or when the actual twilight conditions may not be ideal.

    Consistent Twilight Ambiance: Virtual twilight editing ensures a consistent twilight ambiance across all exterior shots of a property, even if the original photos were taken at different times of the day. This creates a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing presentation in marketing materials.

    Enhanced Visual Appeal: Twilight scenes often evoke a sense of warmth, tranquility, and charm. By digitally simulating twilight, the edited photos can make the property appear more inviting, enhancing its visual appeal and capturing the attention of potential buyers.

    Highlighting Exterior Features: The soft lighting and warm colors associated with twilight can effectively highlight the architectural features, landscaping, and outdoor amenities of a property. Virtual twilight editing helps emphasize these elements, making them stand out in marketing materials.

    Distinctive Marketing Advantage: Virtual twilight images can set a property apart from others in real estate listings, offering a unique and visually appealing perspective. This can attract more attention from potential buyers and contribute to the property's overall marketing success.

    Optimized Online Presence: Eye-catching twilight images, whether captured in reality or through virtual editing, can enhance a property's online presence. These visually appealing photos are more likely to engage viewers and encourage further exploration of the listing.

    Weather Independence: Virtual twilight editing allows for consistent results regardless of weather conditions. This is particularly useful in areas where obtaining clear twilight shots may be challenging due to frequent cloud cover or adverse weather.

    While virtual twilight editing provides these advantages, it's important to strike a balance between enhancing visual appeal and accurately representing the property. Ethical considerations and transparency are crucial to maintaining trust in real estate marketing.

  • Virtual twilight editing is a valuable tool for various stakeholders in the real estate industry.

    Real estate agents looking to enhance the market appeal of properties without the cost and logistics of an actual twilight shoot can benefit significantly.

    Homeowners seeking to showcase the full potential of their home to attract potential buyers can also leverage day to dusk edits.

    Property developers can use virtual twilights to present developments in the best possible light.

    Additionally, investors looking to market their properties online and make a lasting impression on potential buyers in a competitive market can find virtual twilights to be a cost-effective and efficient solution.

    Overall, anyone involved in the sale or marketing of real estate can benefit from the transformative and visually compelling aspects of virtual twilight photos.

  • Prices for virtual twilight edits with Visuals by Marcus can be as low as $20 per image. At this price you can affordably receive stunning images to set your listing apart from the competition.

  • From the time I leave the shoot the virtual twilight photos will be ready within 48 hours. You’ll receive your standard listing photos within 24 hours, then the virtual twilight conversions won’t be far behind. This turnaround time is standard for all 7 days of the week!

  • If there is any reason you’re left unsatisfied with the final virtual twilight photos I will either re-edit the photos or give you a full refund with no questions asked.

  • With virtual twilight photo editing I will be able to take the standard listing photos, taken during the day, and edit them to look as though they were taken at twilight. With a twilight photo shoot, I will actually show up to the property at sunset to capture images at twilight.

    Virtual twilight edits are a more affordable option as they don’t require a separate trip to the property. Additionally, the virtual twilights don’t rely on any weather conditions